Alberta Triple Prescription Program Atlas
The purpose of the Triplicate Prescription Program Atlas is to provide an overview of provincial TPP medication utilization. It presents the data as tables, graphs, and maps.
The purpose of the Triplicate Prescription Program Atlas is to provide an overview of provincial TPP medication utilization. It presents the data as tables, graphs, and maps.
With the growth of activities and staff in the Lands Department of the Takla Nation, GIS data management has been expanding at a rapid rate. Field data collection is an important part of the spatial data management. In combination of the existing Open Source tools we have been using to manage our information, we are using an application called “Geopaparazzi” for field work. I will be illustrating the steps to use this customizable application from create of basemaps, vector overlays to data collection and integration.
Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of marine protected areas, especially in an era where every piece of land or water is at a high premium. We used satellite tracking data and regular monitoring of Greater flamingos into the spatial prioritization planning tool Marxan to identify the most important zones for the conservation of the greater flamingo and many other species of waterbirds and marine habitats in one of the economically important areas in the coastal zone of Abu Dhabi.